Team & Dyad Coaching:
Conflict Resolution & Interpersonal Growth
It can be unnerving to not feel understood by others. In the workplace it can be extra tricky because we are in relationships we have not chosen.
At work we are aligned around a vision and a mission, and yet… sometimes we miss each other. Being at odds with someone spending so much of their time in the same space as us can make doing our job that much harder.
I will jump in there with you and wade into the tension, bring it to the surface to see how to respectfully understand the conflict and get to the other side of it. I am a firm believer in conflict having something to tell us and being a whole lot less scary when we look at it together. In fact, interpersonal conflict, when it’s healthy, is one of the most important ingredients to thriving relationships.
Coaching around conflict resolution often happens in dyads or triads. If it is a larger group dynamic that is holding the team back, we may create shared language and learn tools to support individuals and the overall team to feel heard and work cohesively. A combination of the two is usually part of the recipe for bringing an emotionally tense team to a place of mutual respect and understanding.
If you’d like to talk to me about team/ dyad coaching,
reach out by email or schedule a 30-minute free session.